Intro to the FDC Blog

Welcome to the FDC Blog! 

Yes, we're a clothing company. But if there's anything a Disney Adult loves more than Mickey-shaped snacks, it's sharing their opinion on all things Disney! In this blog, you'll find posts in these categories:

Design Diaries: These posts will give you a look at the creative process behind Favorite Day Co's upcoming releases. 

Park Parent Perspective: As a father of two girls under 3, my Disney park experience is parent first, Disney Adult second. This section will be for stories about our family trips to Disney, along with any helpful tips that we've picked up along the way.

Carefree Cruising: I love Disney Cruise Line! These posts will similar to Park Parent, but for all things DCL

Favorite Things: No, not the classic song from The Sound of Music -- this section will be for my favorite things about Disney! From favorite movies, to characters, rides, park food, and more.

Pins, and More Pins: Once upon a time, I started collecting pins with the idea that I'd add one or two from every trip to Disney that our family made. That lasted... one trip. This section will be focused on new pins that I pick up for my ever-growing collection and new releases!

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